


小菅佑輔, 稲垣滋, 河内裕一
日本物理学会誌, 80(1), 26, 2025(1)

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On the Nonlinear Coupling of the High Wavenumber Fluctuations Exhibiting the Discrete Spectra Observed in PANTA
Kawachi Y.; Sasaki M.; Nishizawa T.; Kosuga Y.; Terasaka K.; Inagaki S.; Yamada T.; Kasuya N.; Moon C.; Nagashima Y.; Fujisawa A.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 19, 1201031 , 2024(11) DOI=10.1585/PFR.1201031
Breathing impure plasmas
Kosuga Y.; Bourgeois J.; Lesur M.; Oyama I.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 66(7), 075018 , 2024(6) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/ad5105
Equilibrium Flow Structure with Multiple Ion Species in Magnetically Confined Plasmas of an Arbitrary Aspect Ratio
Kosuga Y.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93(6), 064501 , 2024(6) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.93.064501
Identification of nonlinear effects of background asymmetry on solitary oscillations in a cylindrical plasma
Taiki Kobayashi, Akihide Fujisawa, Yoshihiko Nagashima, Chanho Moon, Kotaro Yamasaki, Daiki Nishimura, Sigeru Inagaki, Akihiro Shimizu, Tokihiko Tokuzawa & Takeshi Ido
Scientific Reports, 14, 12175 , 2024(5) DOI=10.1038/s41598-024-62969-1
Implication of Parallel Velocity Gradient-Driven Instability with Hydrodynamic Electrons to SOL Width
Itsuki OYAMA and Yusuke KOSUGA
Plasma and Fusion Research, 19, 1403019 , 2024(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.19.1403019
Effect of toroidal rotation on impurity transport in tokamak improved confinement
Mochinaga S.; Kasuya N.; Fukuyama A.; Yagi M.
Nuclear Fusion, 64(6), 066002 , 2024(4) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ad3470
Mass dependency of high-wavenumber turbulence in a linear partially magnetized plasma
Kawachi Y.; Sasaki M.; Nishizawa T.; Kosuga Y.; Terasaka K.; Inagaki S.; Yamada T.; Kasuya N.; Moon C.; Nagashima Y.; Fujisawa A.
Physics of Plasmas, 31(4), 044502 , 2024(4) DOI=10.1063/5.0187997
A Method to Analyze Plasma Images Using Modified Fourier-Bessel Functions
Plasma and Fusion Research, 19, 1201014, 2024(3) DOI=10.1585/PFR.19.1201014
Effect of Edge Shear Flow on Radial Spreading of Ballooning Mode Turbulence
Plasma and Fusion Research, 19, 1403016, 2024(3) DOI=10.1585/PFR.19.1403016
Research of turbulent transport due to dissipative trapped electron mode in tokamak plasmas
Toda S.; Nunami M.; Kasuya N.
Physics of Plasmas, 31(3), 32511 , 2024(3) DOI=10.1063/5.0189414
Velocity Field Estimation using Tomography in a Cylindrical Plasma
Nishimura D.; Fujisawa A.; Nagashima Y.; Moon C.; Yamasaki K.; Nishizawa T.; Kobayashi T.; Kobayashi T.; Shimizu A.; Tokuzawa T.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 19, 1201005 , 2024(1) DOI=10.1585/PFR.19.1201005

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Observation of Plasma Turbulence in a Hall Thruster Using Microwave Interferometry
Yamamoto N.; Kuwabara N.; Kuwahara D.; Cho S.; Kosuga Y.; Pradalier G.D.
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 39(6), 849-855 , 2023(11) DOI=10.2514/1.B38711
Estimation of plasma parameter profiles and their derivatives from linear observations by using Gaussian processes
Nishizawa T.; Tokuda S.; Kobayashi T.; Tanaka K.; Funaba H.; Yamada I.; Takemura Y.; Tokuzawa T.; Yasuhara R.; Uehara H.; Ida K.; Takahashi H.; Kawachi Y.; Inagaki S.; Kado S.; Sasaki M.; Fujisawa A.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 65(12), 125006 , 2023(11) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/ad074a
Observation of Quasi-Periodic Two-Dimensional Velocity Fields in Plasma Using Tomographic Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Arakawa H.; Sasaki M.; Inagaki S.; Terasaka K.; Kawachi Y.; Kin F.; Yamada T.; Nagashima Y.; Fujisawa A.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 18, 1201086 , 2023(10) DOI=10.1585/PFR.18.1201086
Transition between continuous and discrete spectra of high-wavenumber turbulence in neutral gas pressure scan experiments on a linear magnetized plasma
Kawachi Y.; Sasaki M.; Nishizawa T.; Kosuga Y.; Terasaka K.; Inagaki S.; Yamada T.; Kasuya N.; Moon C.; Nagashima Y.; Fujisawa A.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 65(11), 115001 , 2023(9) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/acfbf7
Identification of trapping finer-scale fluctuations in a solitary vortex in linear magnetized plasma
Arakawa H.; Sasaki M.; Inagaki S.; Lesur M.; Kosuga Y.; Kobayashi T.; Kin F.; Yamada T.; Nagashima Y.; Fujisawa A.; Itoh K.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 65(11), 115002 , 2023(9) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/acfbb3
Rotational movement analysis based on Fourier-rectangular function transform for cylindrical plasma
D. Nishimura, A. Fujisawa, K. Yamasaki, Y. Nagashima, C. Moon, T. Nishizawa, T-K. Kobayashi, T. Kobayashi, A. Shimizu, T. Tokuzawa, and T. Ido
Journal of Applied Physics, 134(11), 113302 , 2023(9) DOI=10.1063/5.0165318
Particle dynamics in a turbulent electric field
Guillevic A.; Lesur M.; Garbet X.; Diamond P.; Lo-Cascio G.; Kosuga Y.; Gravier E.; Mandal D.; Ghizzo A.; Réveillé T.
Physics of Plasmas, 30(5), 52301 , 2023(5) DOI=10.1063/5.0135918
Nonlinear simulation of resistive drift waves in cylindrical magnetized plasmas in the presence of symmetry breaking particle source
Sasaki M.; Kasuya N.; Kawachi Y.; Kobayashi T.; Nishizawa T.; Arakawa H.; Yamada T.; Fujisawa A.
Physics of Plasmas, 30(8), 82302 , 2023(8) DOI=10.1063/5.0150748
Analysis of Turbulent Particle Fluxes in Reduced MHD Simulation
Todoroki H.; Kasuya N.; Yagi M.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 18, 1203052 , 2023(6) DOI=10.1585/PFR.18.1203052
Analysis of Turbulence Driven Particle Transport in PANTA by Using Multi-Field Singular Value Decomposition
Kodahara T.; Sasaki M.; Kawachi Y.; Jajima Y.; Kobayashi T.; Yamada T.; Arakawa H.; Fujisawa A.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 18, 1202036 , 2023(6) DOI=10.1585/PFR.18.1202036
Reynolds Force Evaluation of Quasi-Coherent Structure by Tomographic Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Plasma and Fusion Research, 18, 1401032 , 2023(5) DOI=10.1585/PFR.18.1401032
Sanae-Inoue Itoh 1952–2019: a memorial note for a pioneer researcher of plasma bifurcation
A. Fujisawa, N. Kasuya, Y. Kosuga, Y. Nagashima, M. Sasaki & T. Yamada
Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 7, 21 , 2023(5) DOI=10.1007/s41614-023-00123-6
A Proposal to Evaluate Electron Temperature and Electron Density Fluctuations Using Dual Wavelength Emission Intensity Tomography in a Linear Plasma
Nagashima Y., Fujisawa A., Yamasaki K., Inagaki S., Moon C., Kin F., Kawachi Y., Arakawa H., Yamada T., Kobayashi T., Kasuya N., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Ido T.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(3), 33501 , 2023(3) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.92.033501
Simultaneous inference of multiple plasma parameter profiles by utilizing transport properties
Nishizawa T.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, , 2023(3) DOI=10.1002/ctpp.202200150

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A fate of nonlinear evolution of drift waves: Excitation of nonlinear breathers
Kosuga Y., Inagaki S., Kawachi Y.
Physics of Plasmas, 29(12), 122301 , 2022(12) DOI=10.1063/5.0122295
Spatiotemporal dynamics of high-wavenumber turbulence in a basic laboratory plasma
Kawachi Y., Sasaki M., Kosuga Y., Terasaka K., Nishizawa T., Yamada T., Kasuya N., Moon C., Inagaki S.
Scientific Reports, 12(1), 19799 , 2022(12) DOI=10.1038/s41598-022-23559-1
3D metal powder additive manufacturing phased array antenna for multichannel Doppler reflectometer
Tokuzawa T., Nasu T., Inagaki S., Moon C., Ido T., Idei H., Ejiri A., Imazawa R., Yoshida M., Oyama N., Tanaka K., Ida K.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 93(11), 113535 , 2022(11) DOI=10.1063/5.0101723
Formation Process of a Solitary Vortex in a Zonal Flow – Drift-Wave Dynamics
Arakawa H., Sasaki M., Inagaki S., Lesur M., Kosuga Y., Kobayashi T., Kin F., Yamada T., Nagashima Y., Fujisawa A., Itoh K.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 17, 1301106 , 2022(11) DOI=10.1585/pfr.17.1301106
Characterizing the flow and turbulence structure near the last closed flux surface in L-mode plasmas of ASDEX Upgrade
Nishizawa T., Manz P., Grenfell G., Griener M., Wendler D., Brida D., Kriete D.M., Dux R., Kobayashi T., Sasaki M.
Physics of Plasmas, 29(7), 72304 , 2022(7) DOI=10.1063/5.0098294
Wave Number Dependence on Ion Mass Number of Resistive Drift Wave Instabilities
Kasuya N., Sasaki M.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 17, 1201053 , 2022(5) DOI=10.1585/PFR.17.1201053
Characteristics of Density and Temperature Fluctuation in Fusion Edge Plasma and Implication on Scrape off Layer Width
Arai S., Kosuga Y.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 17, 1403050 , 2022(5) DOI=10.1585/PFR.17.1403050
Joint meeting of 9th Asia Pacific-Transport Working Group (APTWG) & EU-US Transport Task Force (TTF) workshop
Ida K., McDermott R.M., Holland C., Choi M.J., Yu L.M., Kobayashi T., Kwon J.M., Kosuga Y.
Nuclear Fusion, 62(3), 37001 , 2022(3) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ac3f19
Effects of sawtooth heat pulses on edge flows and turbulence in a tokamak plasma
Zhao K., Nagashima Y., Guo Z., Diamond P.H., Dong J., Yan L., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Li X., Li J., Fujisawa A., Inagaki S., Cheng J., Xu J., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Wang Z., Zhang H., Chen Y., Cao X., Yu D., Liu Y., Song X., Xia F., Wang S.
Plasma Science and Technology, 25(1), 15101 , 2022(1) DOI=10.1088/2058-6272/ac7c60

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Formation of density corrugations due to zonal flow in wave-kinetic framework
Sasaki M., Itoh K., McMillan B.F., Kobayashi T., Arakawa H., Chowdhury J.
Physics of Plasmas, 28(11), 112304 , 2021(11) DOI=10.1063/5.0055777
Dynamic interaction between fluctuations with different origins in a linear magnetized plasma
Kawachi Y., Inagaki S., Sasaki M., Kosuga Y., Yamasaki K., Kobayashi T., Kin F., Yamada T., Arakawa H., Nagashima Y., Moon C., Kasuya N., Fujisawa A.
Physics of Plasmas, 28(11), 112302 , 2021(11) DOI=10.1063/5.0065887
Bayesian inference of ion velocity distribution function from laser-induced fluorescence spectra
Tokuda S., Kawachi Y., Sasaki M., Arakawa H., Yamasaki K., Terasaka K., Inagaki S.
Scientific Reports, 11(1), 20810 , 2021(10) DOI=10.1038/s41598-021-00138-4
Interactions of drift wave turbulence with streamer flows in wave-kinetic formalism
Sasaki M., Arakawa H., Kobayashi T., Kin F., Kawachi Y., Yamada T., Itoh K.
Physics of Plasmas, 28(10), 102304 , 2021(10) DOI=10.1063/5.0059839
Transport Simulation of PLATO Tokamak Plasma Using Integrated Code TASK
Mochinaga S., Kasuya N., Fukuyama A., Nagashima Y., Fujisawa A.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 16, 1403093 , 2021(8) DOI=10.1585/pfr.16.1403093
Numerical investigation on how heat flux avalanche jams trigger the staircase pattern formation
Kosuga Y., Koga D., Sasaki M.
Physics of Plasmas, 28(8), 82302 , 2021(8) DOI=10.1063/5.0053919
Ion Mass Dependence of Resistive Drift Wave Turbulence in Cylindrical Plasmas
Plasma and Fusion Research, 16, 1201083 , 2021(6) DOI=10.1585/pfr.16.1201083
Effects of Electron Temperature Fluctuation on Turbulence Measurement by Langmuir Probe in a Magnetized Helicon Plasma
Kawachi Y., Inagaki S., Sasaki M., Kosuga Y., Yamada T., Nagashima Y., Moon C., Kasuya N., Fujisawa A.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 16, 1202081 , 2021(6) DOI=10.1585/PFR.16.1202081
Proposal of Analysis Method for Pattern Recognition of Two-Dimensional Structure of Plasma
Plasma and Fusion Research, 16, 1201082 , 2021(6) DOI=10.1585/pfr.16.1201082
Fourier-Rectangular Function Analysis of Spatiotemporal Structure of Bursting Phenomenon in a Cylindrical Plasma
Plasma and Fusion Research, 16, 1201075 , 2021(6) DOI=10.1585/pfr.16.1201075
Conceptual design of heavy ion beam probes on the PLATO tokamak
Ido T., Fujisawa A., Takemura K., Kobayashi T.-K., Nishimura D., Kasuya N., Fukuyama A., Moon C., Yamasaki K., Inagaki S., Nagashima Y., Yamada T.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(5), 53553 , 2021(5) DOI=10.1063/5.0041814
On the triad transfer analysis of plasma turbulence: Symmetrization, coarse graining, and directional representation
Maeyama S., Sasaki M., Fujii K., Kobayashi T., Dendy R.O., Kawachi Y., Arakawa H., Inagaki S.
New Journal of Physics, 23(4), 43049 , 2021(4) DOI=10.1088/1367-2630/abeffc
W-band millimeter-wave back-scattering system for high wavenumber turbulence measurements in LHD
Tokuzawa T., Tanaka K., Tsujimura T., Kubo S., Emoto M., Inagaki S., Ida K., Yoshinuma M., Watanabe K.Y., Tsuchiya H., Ejiri A., Saito T., Yamamoto K.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(4), 43536 , 2021(4) DOI=10.1063/5.0043474
Review of plasma turbulence experiments
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, 97(3), 103-119 , 2021(3) DOI=10.2183/pjab.97.006
Modal polarization analysis using Fourier- rectangular function transform in a cylindrical plasma
D. Nishimura, A. Fujisawa, Y. Nagashima, C. Moon, K. Yamasaki, T.-K. Kobayashi, S. Inagaki, T. Yamada, Y. Kawachi, N. Kasuya, Y. Kosuga, and M. Sasaki
Journal of Applied Physics, 129(9), 93301 , 2021(3) DOI=10.1063/5.0037352
Correlation-estimated conditional average method and its application on solitary oscillation in PANTA
Kobayashi, T.-K., Fujisawa, A. Nagashima, Y., Moon, C., Yamasaki, K., Nishimura, D., Inagaki, S., Yamada, T., Kasuya, N., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M., Kawachi, Y.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 63(3), 32001 , 2021(3) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/abd980
An evaluation of localized heat flux associated with the streamer at the onset of type-III ELMs on HL-2A tokamak
Itoh K., Kosuga Y., Cheng J., Dong J., Zhao K., Itoh S.-I.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90(3), 34502 , 2021(2) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.90.034502
佐々木真, 河原吉伸, 草場彰
プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 2(小特集), 79-85 , 2021(2) PDF
The first observation of 4D tomography measurement of plasma structures and fluctuations
Moon, C., Yamasaki, K., Nagashima, Y., Inagaki, S., Ido, T., Yamada, T., Kasuya, N., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M., Kawachi, Y., Nishimura, D., Kobayashi, T., Fujisawa, A.
Scientific Reports, 11(1), 3720 , 2021(2) DOI=10.1038/s41598-021-83191-3
Evaluation of abrupt energy transfer among turbulent plasma structures using singular value decomposition
M Sasaki, T Kobayashi, R O Dendy, Y Kawachi, H Arakawa and S Inagaki
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 63(2), 25004 , 2021(2) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/abcb46

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Minimum enstrophy flows in drift wave turbulence with neutral particles
Kosuga, Y., Aoki, D.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 62(10), 105002 , 2020(10) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/aba73d
Experimental study of perturbative particle transport in the HL-2A tokamak
Zhang B.Y., Inagaki S., Shi Z.B., Zhong W.L., Zou X.L., Jiang M., Yang Z.C., Shi P.W., Chen C.Y., Xiao G.L., Feng B.B., Song X.M.
Heliyon, 6(9), e04633 , 2020(9) DOI=10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04633
Neutral particle drag on parallel flow shear driven instability
Sasaki, M., Kobayashi, T., Inagaki, S., Kasuya, N., Kosuga, Y.
Physics of Plasmas, 27(8), 82105 , 2020(8) DOI=10.1063/5.0011025
Pedestal dynamics prior to type-III ELM onset on HL-2A tokamak
Cheng, J., Dong, J.Q., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.I., Yan, L.W., He, Y., Li, W., Zhou, H., Xu, J.Q., Huang, Z.H., Wu, N., Zhao, K.J., Shi, Z.B., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M., Han, M.K., Wang, Z.X., Liu, Y., Xu, M., Xu, Y
Nuclear Fusion, 60(8), 85014 , 2020(8) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ab9884
Possible break-down of up-down symmetry for propagation of parallel velocity gradient driven mode near edge transport barrier
Kosuga, Y., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 89(7), 74501 , 2020(7) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.89.074501
Isotope effect in transient electron thermal transport property and its impact on the electron internal transport barrier formation in LHD
Kobayashi, T., Ida, K., Tanaka, K., Yoshinuma, M., Tsujimura, T.I., Inagaki, S., Tokuzawa, T., Tsuchiya, H., Tamura, N., Igami, H., Yoshimura, Y., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K., Itoh, K., Itoh, K.
Nuclear Fusion, 60(7), 76015 , 2020(7) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ab9005
Comparison between Tomography and Langmuir Probe Data in PANTA
Nagashima Y., Fujisawa A., Yamasaki K., Inagaki S., Moon C., Kin F., Kawachi Y., Arakawa H., Yamada T., Kobayashi T., Kasuya N., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Ido T.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 89(9), 93501 , 2020(7) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.89.093501
Simulation of Co-Existence of Ballooning and Kink Instabilities in PLATO Tokamak Plasma
Shuhei TOMIMATSU, Naohiro KASUYA, Masahiko SATO, Atsushi FUKUYAMA, Masatoshi YAGI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA and Akihide FUJISAWA
Plasma and Fusion Research, 15, 1403052 , 2020(7) DOI=10.1585/pfr.15.1403052
Impact of helium neutral gas puff on plasma turbulence in linear magnetized argon plasmas
Kobayashi, T., Kin, F., Kawachi, Y., Sasaki, M., Kosuga, Y., Yamasaki, K., Inagaki, S.
Physics of Plasmas, 27(6), 62309 , 2020(6) DOI=10.1063/5.0007899
Plasma sheath material induced dependence due to secondary electron emission
Pigeon V., Claire N., Arnas C., Terasaka K., Inagaki S.
Physics of Plasmas, 27(4), 43505 , 2020(4) DOI=10.1063/1.5141348
Observation of spatiotemporal structures of temperature fluctuations by using of a statistical phase detection method in a linear magnetized plasma
Kawachi Y., Inagaki S., Kin F., Yamasaki K., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Nagashima Y., Yamada T., Arakawa H., Kasuya N., Moon C., Hasamada K., Fujisawa A.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 62(5), 55011 , 2020(4) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/ab8132
Magnetic field dependence of plasma properties observed with tomography in PANTA
Marui I., Fujisawa A., Nagashima Y., Moon C., Yamasaki K., Inagaki S., Yamada T.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 15, 1201018 , 2020(4) DOI=10.1585/PFR.15.1201018
Scrape-off layer width set by non-linear streamer flows in drift wave turbulence
Kosuga Y., Kin F., Sasaki M.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, , 2020(3) DOI=10.1002/ctpp.201900141
Tomography system for two-dimensional observation of fluctuation in magnetized plasma
Yamasaki K., Fujisawa A., Nagashima Y., Moon C., Inagaki S., Yamada T.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(3), 33502 , 2020(3) DOI=10.1063/1.5144480
Formation of radially elongated flow leading to onset of type-III edge localized modes in toroidal plasmas
Cheng J., Dong J.Q., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Yan L.W., Xu J.Q., Jiang M., Huang Z.H., Zhao K.J., Shi Z.B., Zhong W.L., Inagaki S., Kobayashi T., Ida K., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Han M.K., Wang Z.X., Xu M., Xu Y.
Nuclear Fusion, 60(4), 46021 , 2020(3) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ab742a
Design and Implementation of DC Pulsed Power Supply Employing Self-Excited Induction Generators and Flywheels for Toroidal Field Coils of a Tokamak Device, PLATO
Murayama M., Kato S., Fujisawa A., Matsuoka K., Tsutsui H., Tsuji-Iio S., Shimada R.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 30(4), 9042294 , 2020(3) DOI=10.1109/TASC.2020.2981075
Flow helicity of wavy plasma turbulence
Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Guo Z.B.
Physics of Plasmas, 27(2), 22303 , 2020(2) DOI=10.1063/1.5121351
Transition between Isotope-Mixing and Nonmixing States in Hydrogen-Deuterium Mixture Plasmas
Ida K., Nakata M., Tanaka K., Yoshinuma M., Fujiwara Y., Sakamoto R., Motojima G., Masuzaki S., Kobayashi T., Yamasaki K.
Physical Review Letters, 124(2), 25002 , 2020(1) DOI=10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.025002
Sparsity-Promoting Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Plasma Turbulence
Plasma and Fusion Research, 15, 1301001 , 2020(1) DOI=10.1585/pfr.15.1301001

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Isotope effects in self-organization of internal transport barrier and concomitant edge confinement degradation in steady-state LHD plasmas
Kobayashi T., Takahashi H., Nagaoka K., Sasaki M., Nakata M., Yokoyama M., Seki R., Yoshinuma M., Ida K.
Scientific Reports, 9(1), 15913 , 2019(11) DOI=10.1038/s41598-019-52271-w
Magnet coil power supply by a self-excited induction generator with a flywheel for a small tokamak, PHiX
M. Murayama, S. Kato, H. Tsutsui, S. Ysuji-Iio
Fusion Engineering and Design, 148, 111270 , 2019(11) DOI=10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.111270
Study of turbulence intermittency in linear magnetized plasma
Boyu Zhang, Shigeru Inagaki, Kazunobu Hasamada, Kotaro Yamasaki, Fumiyoshi Kin, Yoshihiko Nagashima, Takuma Yamada and Akihide Fujisawa
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61(11), 115010 , 2019(10) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/ab434f
Using dynamical mode decomposition to extract the limit cycle dynamics of modulated turbulence in a plasma simulation
Sasaki M., Kawachi Y., Dendy R.O., Arakawa H., Kasuya N., Kin F., Yamasaki K., Inagaki S.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61(11), 112001 , 2019(10) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/ab471b
Reconstruction of Time Series Observed in Linear Magnetized Plasma PANTA via a Machine Learning Algorithm
Yasuhiro NARIYUKI, Makoto SASAKI, Tohru HADA, Shigeru INAGAKI
Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 1301157 , 2019(10) DOI=10.1585/pfr.14.1301157
Finite Larmor Radius Effect on Ion-Temperature-Gradient Instability in Cylindrical Plasmas
Naohiro KASUYA, Tomotsugu OHNO, Makoto SASAKI, Masatoshi YAGI
Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 1401158 , 2019(10) DOI=10.1585/pfr.14.1401158
Turbulence Simulation on Zonal Flow Formations in the Presence of Parallel Flows
Makoto SASAKI, Naohiro KASUYA, Yusuke KOSUGA, Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Takuma YAMADA, Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Shigeru INAGAKI, Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 1401161 , 2019(10) DOI=10.1585/pfr.14.1401161
Measurements of radial profile of hydrogen and deuterium density in isotope mixture plasmas using bulk charge exchange spectroscopy
Ida K., Yoshinuma M., Yamasaki K., Kobayashi T., Fujiwara Y., Chen J., Murakami I., Satake S., Yamamoto Y., Murakami S., Kobayashi M.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(9), 93503 , 2019(9) DOI=10.1063/1.5097030
Spatial structure of low-frequency fluctuations throughout the transition of poloidal flow velocity in edge plasmas of LHD
C. Moon, T. Kobayashi, K. Ida, T. Tokuzawa, C. Hidalgo, M. Yoshinuma, K. Ogawa, K. Itoh, A. Fujisawa, and LHD Experiment Group
Physics of Plasmas, 26(9), 092302 , 2019(9) DOI=10.1063/1.5098954
藤澤彰英, 稲垣滋, 井戸毅, 飯尾俊二
プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 95(8), 391-397 , 2019(8) PDF
Ion temperature measurement by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in panta
Arakawa H., Inagaki S., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Kin F., Hasamada K., Yamasaki K., Kobayashi T., Yamada T., Nagashima Y., Fujisawa A., Kasuya N., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I.
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 14(10), 1450-1454 , 2019(7) DOI=10.1002/tee.22962
Fourier-rectangular function analysis for cylindrical plasma images
K. Yamasaki, A. Fujisawa, Y. Nagashima, C. Moon, S. Inagaki, N. Kasuya, Y. Kosuga, M. Sasaki, and T. Yamada
Journal of Applied Physics, 126(4), 043304 , 2019(7) DOI=10.1063/1.5108717
Interpreting observations of ion cyclotron emission from large helical device plasmas with beam-injected ion populations
Reman B.C.G., Dendy R.O., Akiyama T., Chapman S.C., Cook J.W.S., Igami H., Inagaki S., Saito K., Yun G.S.
Nuclear Fusion, 59(9), 96013 , 2019(7) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ab2ca2
Development of a Frequency Comb Sweep Microwave Reflectometer in the Linear Device PANTA
Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 1201121 , 2019(7) DOI=10.1585/pfr.14.1201131
Definition of the profile gain factor and its application for internal transport barrier analysis in torus plasmas
Kobayashi T., Takahashi H., Nagaoka K., Sasaki M., Yokoyama M., Seki R., Yoshinuma M., Ida K., Lhd experiment group
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61(8), 85005 , 2019(6) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/ab221c
Comparison of Conditional Average Using Threshold and Template Methods for Quasi-Periodic Phenomena in Plasmas
Fumiyoshi KIN, Kimitaka ITOH, Tim HAPPEL, Gregor BIRKENMEIER, Akihide FUJISAWA, Sigeru INAGAKI, Sanae-I. ITOH, Ulrich STROTH and ASDEX Upgrade Team
Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 1402114 , 2019(6) DOI=10.1585/pfr.14.1402114
Roles of solitary eddy and splash in drift wave–zonal flow system in a linear magnetized plasma
H. Arakawa, M. Sasaki, S. Inagaki, Y. Kosuga, T. Kobayashi, N. Kasuya, T. Yamada, Y. Nagashima, F. Kin, A. Fujisawa, K. Itoh, and S.-I. Itoh
Physics of Plasmas , 26(5), 052305 , 2019(5) DOI=10.1063/1.5094577
Parallel flow driven instability due to toroidal return flow in H-mode plasmas
M. Sasaki, K. Itoh, Y. Kosuga, J. Q. Dong, S. Inagaki, T. Kobayashi, J. Cheng, K. J. Zhao, S.-I. Itoh
Nuclear Fusion, 59(6), 066039 , 2019(5) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ab1292
Estimation of particle flux driven by coherent mode using of statistical conditional averaging
Kawachi Y., Inagaki S., Hasamada K., Yamasaki K., Kin F., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Nagashima Y., Kasuya N., Yamada T., Zhang B., Fujisawa A.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 1402090 , 2019(5) DOI=10.1585/PFR.14.1402090
Formation of spiral structures of turbulence driven by a strong rotation in magnetically cylindrical plasmas
M. Sasaki, Y. Cayenne, A. Escarguel, S. Inagaki, N. Kasuya, K. Itoh, T. Kobayashi
Physics of Plasmas, 26(4), 423051 , 2019(4) DOI=10.1063/1.5085372
Observations of radially elongated particle flux induced by streamer in a linear magnetized plasma
F. Kin, A. Fujisawa, K. Itoh, Y. Kosuga, M. Sasaki, S. Inagaki, Y. Nagashima, T. Yamada, N. Kasuya, K. Yamasaki, K. Hasamada, B. Y. Zhang, Y. Kawachi, H. Arakawa, T. Kobayashi, and S.-I. Itoh
Physics of Plasmas, 26(4), 042306 , 2019(4) DOI=10.1063/1.5093218
Improvement of aperture configuration to reduce the stray light for Thomson scattering measurement using a peripheral beam profile monitor
Kawamata Y., Ejiri A., Matsuzaki K., Takase Y., Tsujii N., Onchi T., Nagashima Y.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 1402072 , 2019(4) DOI=10.1585/PFR.14.1402072
Frequency and plasma condition dependent spatial structure of low frequency global potential oscillations in the TJ-II stellarator
Kobayashi T., Losada U., Liu B., Estrada T., Van Milligen B.Ph., Gerrú R., Sasaki M., Hidalgo C.
Nuclear Fusion, 59(4), 44006 , 2019(3) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ab0122
Observation of a beam-driven low-frequency mode in Heliotron J
Zang L.G., Yamamoto S., Spong D.A., Nagasaki K., Ohshima S., Kobayashi S., Minami T., Lu X.X., Nishino N., Kado S., Adulsiriswad P., Okada H., Kenmochi N., Inagaki S., Zhu J.X., Weir G.M., Mizuuchi T., Konoshima S., Ishizawa A., Yu D.L., Shi Z.B., Liu Y., Yan L.W., Li J.Q., Yang Q.W., Xu M., Duan X.R., Liu Y.
Nuclear Fusion, 59(5), 56001 , 2019(3) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/ab0197
Combined methods of moment vectors and Stokes parameters to analyze tomographic image of plasma turbulence
Fujisawa, A., Nagashima, Y., Yamasaki, K., Inagaki, S., Yamada, T., Sasaki, M.
Physics of Plasmas, 26(1), 012305 , 2019(1) DOI=10.1063/1.5048970

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Density profile measurement with a heavy ion beam probe in a toroidal plasma of the compact helical system
Shimizu, A., Fujisawa, A., Ohshima, S., Nakano, H., Minami, T., Isobe, M., Okamura, S., Matsuoka, K.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(11), 113507 , 2018(11) DOI=10.1063/1.5039571
Subcritical instabilities in neutral fluids and plasmas
Lesur, M., Médina, J., Sasaki, M., Shimizu, A.
Fluids, 3(4), 89 , 2018(11) DOI=10.3390/fluids3040089
Microwave frequency comb Doppler reflectometer applying fast digital data acquisition system in LHD
Tokuzawa, T., Tsuchiya, H., Tsujimura, T., Emoto, M., Nakanishi, H., Inagaki, S., Ida, K., Yamada, H., Ejiri, A., Watanabe, K.Y., Oguri, K., Akiyama, T., Tanaka, K., Yamada, I.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(10), 10H118 , 2018(10) DOI=10.1063/1.5035118
Role of density modulation in driving nonlinear streamer flows in drift wave turbulence
Kosuga, Y., Hasamada, K.
Physics of Plasmas, 25(10), 100701 , 2018(10) DOI=10.1063/1.5049726
Propagation direction of geodesic acoustic modes driven by drift wave turbulence
Sasaki, M., Itoh, K., Kobayashi, T., Kasuya, N., Fujisawa, A., Itoh, S.-I.
Nuclear Fusion, 58(11), 112005 , 2018(10) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aad251
Density dependence of transient electron thermal transport property in LHD
Experiment Group, L.H.D., Kobayashi, T., Ida, K., Ii Tsujimura, T., Inagaki, S., Tokuzawa, T., Tsuchiya, H., Tamura, N., Igami, H., Yoshimura, Y., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K.
Nuclear Fusion, 58(12), 126031 , 2018(10) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aae5de
Symmetry-Breaking of Turbulence Structure and Position Identification in Toroidal Plasmas
Kimitaka ITOH, Sanae-I. ITOH, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Takuma YAMADA, Yusuke KOSUGA, Akihide FUJISAWA
Plasma and Fusion Research, 13, 1102113 , 2018(10) DOI=10.1585/pfr.13.1102113
Initial results from solenoid-free plasma start-up using Transient CHI on QUEST
Kuroda, K., Raman, R., Hanada, K., Hasegawa, M., Onchi, T., Ono, M., Nelson, B.A., Jarboe, T.R., Nagata, M., Mitarai, O., Nakamura, K., Idei, H., Rogers, J., Kawasaki, S., Nagata, T., Kuzmin, A., Kojima, S., Huang, C., Watanabe, O., Higashijima, A., Takase, Y., Fukuyama, A., Murakami, S.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(11), 115001 , 2018(9) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/aadcb7
Preface: Front-runners’ Symposium on Plasma Physics in Honor of Professors
Kimitaka Itoh and Sanae-I. Itoh
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 10001 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048710
Pioneering work before becoming mainstream research
K. Ida
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 20001 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048711
Abrupt excitation of energetic-particle-driven geodesic acoustic mode in the large helical device
Takeshi Ido
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 20002 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048712
Experimental research plan of nonlinearity of tokamak edge turbulence in plasma turbulence observatory
Yoshihiko Nagashima, and Akihide Fujisawa
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 20006 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048716
Trapping of turbulence clumps by geodesic acoustic modes
Makoto Sasaki
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 20007 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048717
Simulation research on competitive nature of plasma turbulence in linear devices
Naohiro Kasuya, and Makoto Sasaki
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 20008 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048718
Helical flow structures in torus plasmas
Y. Kosuga
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 20009 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048719
Past and present experiments toward PLATO project
Akihide Fujisawa
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1993, 20011 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1063/1.5048721
Numerical diagnostics of fluctuation spectrum in 3D magnetic configurations
Kasuya, N., Nunami, M., Tanaka, K., Yagi, M.
Nuclear Fusion, 58(10), 106033 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aad784
Observation of the spatial profile of deuterium/hydrogen ratio using bulk charge exchange emission
Yamasaki K., Ida K., Yoshinuma M., Kobayas T.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 13, 1202103 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1585/PFR.13.1202103
Determination of Spatiotemporal Structure of Fluctuations by Statistical Averaging Method
Yuichi KAWACHI, Sigeru INAGAKI, Kentaro TOMITA, Kotaro YAMASAKI, Fumiyoshi KIN, Yusuke KOSUGA, Makoto SASAKI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Naohiro KASUYA, Kazunobu HASAMADA, Boyu ZHANG, Akihide Fujisawa
Plasma and Fusion Research, 13, 3401105 , 2018(8) DOI=10.1585/pfr.13.3401105
Global mode analysis of ion-temperature-gradient instabilities using the gyro-fluid model in linear devices
Ohno T., Kasuya N., Sasaki M., Yagi M.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 13, 1401081 , 2018(6) DOI=10.1585/PFR.13.1401081
Extraction of nonlinear waveform in turbulent plasmaFeatured Article
Kin, F., Itoh, K., Fujisawa, A., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M., Yamada, T., Inagaki, S., Itoh, S.-I., Kobayashi, T., Nagashima, Y., Kasuya, N., Arakawa, H., Yamasaki, K., Hasamada, K.
Physics of Plasmas, 25(6), 62304 , 2018(5) DOI=10.1063/1.5027124
TSC Simulation of Transient CHI in New Electrode Configuration on QUEST
Kengoh KURODA, Roger RAMAN, Stephen C. JARDIN, Masayuki ONO, Kazuaki HANADA
Plasma and Fusion Research, 13, 3402059 , 2018(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.13.3402059
Evaluation of Measurement Signal of Heavy Ion Beam Probe of Energetic-Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic Modes
Makoto SASAKI, Kimitaka ITOH, Takeshi IDO, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Naohiro KASUYA, Akihide FUJISAWA, Sanae-I. ITOH
Plasma and Fusion Research, 13, 3403040 , 2018(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.13.3403040
Combination of flywheel energy storage system and boosting modular multilevel cascade converter
Murayama, M., Kato, S., Tsutsui, H., Tsuji-Iio, S., Shimada, R.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(3), 8293859 , 2018(4) DOI=10.1109/TASC.2018.2806914
Trigger mechanism for the abrupt loss of energetic ions in magnetically confined plasmas
Ida, K., Kobayashi, T., Yoshinuma, M., Akiyama, T., Tokuzawa, T., Tsuchiya, H., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I.
Scientific Reports, 8(1), 2804 , 2018(2) DOI=10.1038/s41598-018-21128-z
Three-dimensional structure of the streamer in linear plasmas
Yamada, T., Inagaki, S., Sasaki, M., Nagashima, Y., Kin, F., Arakawa, H., Kobayashi, T., Yamasaki, K., Kasuya, N., Kosuga, Y., Fujisawa, A., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(3), 34501 , 2018(2) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.87.034501
Spatio-temporal dynamics of turbulence trapped in geodesic acoustic modesEditor's Picks
Sasaki, M., Kobayashi, T., Itoh, K., Kasuya, N., Kosuga, Y., Fujisawa, A., Itoh, S.-I.
Physics of Plasmas, 25(1), 12316 , 2018(1) DOI=10.1063/1.5008541
Turbulence simulation taking account of inhomogeneity of neutral density in linear devices
Kasuya, N., Abe, S., Sasaki, M., Inagaki, S., Kobayashi, T., Yagi, M.
Physics of Plasmas, 25(1), 12314 , 2018(1) DOI=10.1063/1.5009803
Transport hysteresis and hydrogen isotope effect on confinement
Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(3), 35008 , 2018(1) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/aaa2ed
Quantification of Turbulent Driving Forces for the Geodesic Acoustic Mode in the JFT-2M Tokamak
Kobayashi, T., Sasaki, M., Ido, T., Kamiya, K., Miura, Y., Nagashima, Y., Ida, K., Inagaki, S., Fujisawa, A., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K.
Physical Review Letters, 120(4), 45002 , 2018(1) DOI=10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.045002
On the radial eigenmode structure of drift wave instability with inhomogeneous damping in cylindrical plasmas
Kasuya, N., Sasaki, M., Abe, S., Yagi, M.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(2), 24501 , 2018(1) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.87.024501
Position identification of measurement for the study of symmetry-breaking of turbulence structure in toroidal plasmas
Itoh, K., Itoh, S.I., Nagashima, Y., Yamada, T., Fujisawa, A.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(2), 25002 , 2018(1) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.87.025002

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Enhancement and suppression of turbulence by energetic-particle-driven geodesic acoustic modes
Sasaki, M., Itoh, K., Hallatschek, K., Kasuya, N., Lesur, M., Kosuga, Y., Itoh, S.-I.
Scientific Reports, 7(1), 16767 , 2017(12) DOI=10.1038/s41598-017-17011-y
How pattern is selected in drift wave turbulence: Role of parallel flow shear
Kosuga, Y.
Physics of Plasmas, 24(12), 122305 , 2017(12) DOI=10.1063/1.5001857
Turbulent transport reduction induced by transition on radial electric field shear and curvature through amplitude and cross-phase in torus plasma
Kobayashi, T., Itoh, K., Ido, T., Kamiya, K., Itoh, S.-I., Miura, Y., Nagashima, Y., Fujisawa, A., Inagaki, S., Ida, K.
Scientific Reports, 7(1), 14971 , 2017(11) DOI=10.1038/s41598-017-14821-y
Topological bifurcation of helical flows in magnetized plasmas with density gradient and parallel flow shearEditor's Picks
Sasaki, M., Kasuya, N., Itoh, K., Toda, S., Yamada, T., Kosuga, Y., Nagashima, Y., Kobayashi, T., Arakawa, H., Yamasaki, K., Fujisawa, A., Inagaki, S., Itoh, S.-I.
Physics of Plasmas, 24(11), 112103 , 2017(11) DOI=10.1063/1.5000343
Fast Algorithm for Tomographic Reconstruction for Plasma Emission
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12, 1201045 , 2017(11) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1201045
Role of electric field curvature in the formation of edge transport barrier in the JT-60U tokamak
Kamiya, K., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., Ida, K., Kobayashi, T.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(1), 14023 , 2017(10) DOI=10.1088/1361-6587/aa8a01
Multiple-Instabilities in Magnetized Plasmas with Density Gradient and Velocity Shears
Makoto SASAKI, Naohiro KASUYA, Shinichiro TODA, Takuma YAMADA, Yusuke KOSUGA, Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Shigeru INAGAKI, Akihide FUJISAWA, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Kimitaka ITOH, Sanae-I ITOH
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12, 1401042 , 2017(10) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1401042
A proposal of Fourier-Bessel expansion with optimized ensembles of bases to analyse two dimensional image
Yamasaki, K., Fujisawa, A., Nagashima, Y.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 88(9), 93507 , 2017(9) DOI=10.1063/1.5000744
Reduction of ion thermal transport due to non-uniformity effects of the radial electric field at the edge of the JT-60U tokamak
Kamiya, K., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(12), 126003 , 2017(9) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa7f3b
Temporal-spatial structures of plasmas flows and turbulence around tearing mode islands in the edge tokamak plasmas
Zhao, K.J., Nagashima, Y., Li, F.M., Shi, Y., Diamond, P.H., Dong, J.Q., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., Zhuang, G., Liu, H., Chen, Z.P., Cheng, J., Nie, L., Ding, Y.H., Hu, Q.M., Chen, Z.Y., Rao, B., Cheng, Z.F., Gao, L., Zhang, X.Q., Yang, Z.J., Wang, N.C., Wang, L., Jin, W., Yan, W., Xu, J.Q., Wu, Y.F., Yan, L.W., Fujisawa, A., Inagaki, S., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(12), 126006 , 2017(9) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa8341
Nonlinear Coupling of Drift Waves and High Frequency Fluctuation on PANTA
Kazunobu HASAMADA, Yusuke KOSUGA, Fumiyoshi KIN, Sigeru INAGAKI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Makoto SASAKI, Naohiro KASUYA, Kotaro YAMASAKI, Sanae-I. ITOH, Kimitaka ITOH, Akihide FUJISAWA
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12, 1201034 , 2017(8) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1201034
Hysteresis and fast timescales in transport relations of toroidal plasmas
Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., Ida, K., Inagaki, S., Kamada, Y., Kamiya, K., Dong, J.Q., Hidalgo, C., Evans, T., Ko, W.H., Park, H., Tokuzawa, T., Kubo, S., Kobayashi, T., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M., Yun, G.S., Song, S.D., Kasuya, N., Nagashima, Y., Moon, C., Yoshinuma, M., Makino, R., Tsujimura, T., Tsuchiya, H., Stroth, U.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(10), 102021 , 2017(7) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa796a
On the p scaling of intrinsic rotation in C-Mod plasmas with edge transport barriers
Rice, J.E., Hughes, J.W., Diamond, P.H., Cao, N., Chilenski, M.A., Hubbard, A.E., Irby, J.H., Kosuga, Y., Lin, Y., Metcalf, I.W., Reinke, M.L., Tolman, E.A., Victora, M.M., Wolfe, S.M., Wukitch, S.J.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(11), 116004 , 2017(7) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa7b44
Mesoscale electric fluctuations interacting with zonal flows, magnetic fluctuations and turbulence
Zhao, K.J., Nagashima, Y., Diamond, P.H., Dong, J.Q., Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., Yan, L.W., Cheng, J., Fujisawa, A., Inagaki, S., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M., Huang, Z.H., Yu, D.L., Li, Q., Ji, X.Q., Song, X.M., Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Yang, Q.W., Ding, X.T., Duan, X.R.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(7), 76036 , 2017(6) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa6f35
Method for estimating harmonic frequency dependence of diffusion coefficient and convective velocity in heat pulse propagation experiment
Kobayashi, T., Itoh, K., Ida, K., Inagaki, S., Itoh, S.-I.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86(7), 74501 , 2017(6) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.86.074501
Distorted magnetic island formation during slowing down to mode locking in helical plasmas
Tokuzawa, T., Takemura, Y., Watanabe, K.W., Sakakibara, S., Narushima, Y., Tsuchiya, H., Nagayama, Y., Inagaki, S., Ida, K., Yoshinuma, M., Tanaka, K., Suzuki, Y., Yamada, I.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(7), 76003 , 2017(5) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa6d26
Analysis of higher harmonics on bidirectional heat pulse propagation experiment in helical and tokamak plasmas
Kobayashi, T., Ida, K., Inagaki, S., Tsuchiya, H., Tamura, N., Choe, G.H., Yun, G.S., Park, H.K., Ko, W.H., Evans, T.E., Austin, M.E., Shafer, M.W., Ono, M., López-bruna, D., Ochando, M.A., Estrada, T., Hidalgo, C., Moon, C., Igami, H., Yoshimura, Y., Tsujimura, T.I., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(7), 76013 , 2017(5) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa6f1f
Response of plasma toroidal flow to the transition between nested and stochastic magnetic field in LHD
Ida, K., Yoshinuma, M., Tsuchiya, H., Kobayashi, T., Suzuki, C., Yokoyama, M., Shimizu, A., Nagaoka, K., Inagaki, S., Itoh, K.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(7), 76032 , 2017(5) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa6f84
Measurement of Electron Density and Temperature Using Laser Thomson Scattering in PANTA
Kentaro TOMITA, Yuta SATO, Nima BOLOUKI, Tatsuro SHIRAISHI, Kiichiro UCHINO, Yudai MIWA, Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Shigeru INAGAKI
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12, 1401018 , 2017(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1401018
Phenomenological Classification of Turbulence States in Linear Magnetized Plasma PANTA
Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Sigeru INAGAKI, Makoto SASAKI, Yusuke KOSUGA, Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Fumiyoshi KIN, Takuma YAMADA, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Naohiro KASUYA, Akihide FUJISAWA, Sanae-I. ITOH, Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12, 1401019 , 2017(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1401019
Permutation entropy and statistical complexity in characterising low-aspect-ratio reversed-field pinch plasma
Onchi, T., Fujisawa, A., Sanpei, A., Himura, H., Masamune, S.
Physica Scripta, 92(5), 55601 , 2017(4) DOI=10.1088/1402-4896/aa6689
Observation of subcritical geodesic acoustic mode excitation in the large helical device
Ido, T., Itoh, K., Lesur, M., Osakabe, M., Shimizu, A., Ogawa, K., Nishiura, M., Yamada, I., Yasuhara, R., Kosuga, Y., Sasaki, M., Ida, K., Inagaki, S., Itoh, S.-I.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(7), 72009 , 2017(4) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa665a
Zonal flow generation in parallel flow shear driven turbulence
Kosuga, Y., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K.
Physics of Plasmas, 24(3), 32304 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1063/1.4978485
Role of phase space structures in collisionless drift wave turbulence and impact on transport modeling
Kosuga, Y., Itoh, S.-I., Diamond, P.H., Itoh, K., Lesur, M.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(7), 72006 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/57/7/072006
Model validation for radial electric feld excitation during L-H transition in JFT-2M tokamak
Kobayashi, T., Itoh, K., Ido, T., Kamiya, K., Itoh, S.-I., Miura, Y., Nagashima, Y., Fujisawa, A., Inagaki, S., Ida, K., Hoshino, K.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(7), 72005 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa5d03
Effects of hydrogen isotope in coupling between confinement, wall material and SoL turbulence
Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., Sasaki, M., Kosuga, Y.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(5), 56031 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa65eb
2D turbulence structure observed by a fast framing camera system in linear magnetized device PANTA
Ohdachi, S., Inagaki, S., Kobayashi, T., Goto, M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 823(1), 12009 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1088/1742-6596/823/1/012009
Phase coherence among the Fourier modes and non-Gaussian characteristics in the Alfvén chaos system
Nariyuki Y., Sasaki M., Kasuya N., Hada T., Yagi M.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2017(3), 033J01 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1093/ptep/ptx016
How turbulence fronts induce plasma spin-up
Kosuga, Y., Itoh, S.-I., Diamond, P.H., Itoh, K.
Physical Review E, 95(3), 31203 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1103/PhysRevE.95.031203
On the application of cross bispectrum and cross bicoherence
Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K., Nagashima, Y., Kosuga, Y.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12, 1101003 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1101003
Coexistence of Drift Waves and D'Angelo Modes at Different Position and Frequency in Linear Plasma Device
Nathan DUPERTUIS, Shigeru INAGAKI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Yusuke KOSUGA, Fumiyoshi KIN, Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Naohiro KASUYA, Makoto SASAKI, Akihide FUJISAWA, Minh Quang TRAN, Sanae-I. ITOH, Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12, 1201008 , 2017(3) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1201008
Radially Distributed Instabilities and Nonlinear Process to Generate Pressure Variation in a Torus Plasma
Naohiro KASUYA, Masatoshi YAGI
Plasma and Fusion Research, 12(1), 1303005 , 2017(2) DOI=10.1585/pfr.12.1303005
A simple model for electron dissipation in trapped ion turbulence
Lesur, M., Cartier-Michaud, T., Drouot, T., Diamond, P.H., Kosuga, Y., R�veill�, T., Gravier, E., Garbet, X., Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K.
Physics of Plasmas, 24(1), 12511 , 2017(1) DOI=10.1063/1.4974269
Toroidal momentum channeling of geodesic acoustic modes driven by fast ions
Sasaki, M., Kasuya, N., Itoh, K., Kosuga, Y., Lesur, M., Hallatschek, K., Itoh, S.-I.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(3), 36025 , 2017(1) DOI=10.1088/1741-4326/aa4eb4

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Beam emission spectroscopy with radially and poloidally elongated optical sightlines
Ono M., Ida K., Kobayashi T., Yoshinuma M., Nakamura Y., Kisaki M., Nakano H., Moon C.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(11), 11E559 , 2016(11) DOI=10.1063/1.4963311
Abrupt onset of tongue deformation and phase space response of ions in magnetically-confined plasmas
Ida K., Kobayashi T., Itoh K., Yoshinuma M., Tokuzawa T., Akiyama T., Moon C., Tsuchiya H., Inagaki S., Itoh S.-I.
Scientific Reports, 6, 36217 , 2016(10) DOI=10.1038/srep36217
Structure formation in parallel ion flow and density profiles by cross-ferroic turbulent transport in linear magnetized plasma
Kobayashi T., Inagaki S., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Nagashima Y., Yamada T., Arakawa H., Kasuya N., Fujisawa A., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Physics of Plasmas, 23(10), 102311 , 2016(10) DOI=10.1063/1.4965915
A branch of energetic-particle driven geodesic acoustic modes due to magnetic drift resonance
Sasaki M., Kasuya N., Itoh K., Hallatschek K., Lesur M., Kosuga Y., Itoh S.-I.
Physics of Plasmas, 23(10), 102501 , 2016(10) DOI=10.1063/1.4963397
Transport hysteresis of core plasma, isotope effect, and H-mode physics
Itoh, S.-I., Itoh, K., Inagaki, S.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(2), 22003 , 2016(9) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/57/2/022003
On the width of a pedestal in the H-mode
Itoh, K., Itoh, S.-I., Kamiya, K., Kobayashi, T.
Nuclear Fusion, 57(2), 22005 , 2016(9) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/57/2/022005
Synchronization of Geodesic Acoustic Modes and Magnetic Fluctuations in Toroidal Plasmas
Zhao K.J., Nagashima Y., Diamond P.H., Dong J.Q., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Yan L.W., Cheng J., Fujisawa A., Inagaki S., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Wang Z.X., Wei L., Huang Z.H., Yu D.L., Hong W.Y., Li Q., Ji X.Q., Song X.M., Huang Y., Liu Y., Yang Q.W., Ding X.T., Duan X.R.
Physical Review Letters, 117(14), 145002 , 2016(9) DOI=10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.145002
Eddy, drift wave and zonal flow dynamics in a linear magnetized plasma
Arakawa H., Inagaki S., Sasaki M., Kosuga Y., Kobayashi T., Kasuya N., Nagashima Y., Yamada T., Lesur M., Fujisawa A., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I.
Scientific Reports, 6, 33371 , 2016(9) DOI=10.1038/srep33371
Changes of particle flux during end-plate biasing experiment in PANTA
Kin F., Yamada T., Inagaki S., Nagashima Y., Arakawa H., Kobayashi T., Miwa Y., Kasuya N., Sasaki M., Kosuga Y., Fujisawa A., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(9), 93501 , 2016(9) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.85.093501
On magnetic signals of a large-scale quasi-electrostatic perturbation
Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Ida K., Kosuga Y.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(9), 94504 , 2016(9) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.85.094504
Experimental Identification of Electric Field Excitation Mechanisms in a Structural Transition of Tokamak Plasmas
Kobayashi T., Itoh K., Ido T., Kamiya K., Itoh S.-I., Miura Y., Nagashima Y., Fujisawa A., Inagaki S., Ida K., Hoshino K.
Scientific Reports, 6, 30720 , 2016(8) DOI=10.1038/srep30720
On the Origin of Steep and Localized Radial Electric Field in the Transport Barrier at Plasma Edge
Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Kobayashi T., Kamiya K., Ido T., Tokuzawa T., Inagaki S., Kasuya N.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 56(43990), , 2016(8) DOI=10.1002/ctpp.201610042
Turbulence Dynamics with the Coupling of Density Gradient and Parallel Velocity Gradient in the Edge Plasmas
Kosuga Y., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 56(43990), , 2016(8) DOI=10.1002/ctpp.201610047
Bifurcation physics of magnetic islands and stochasticity explored by heat pulse propagation studies in toroidal plasmas
Ida K., Kobayashi T., Yoshinuma M., Suzuki Y., Narushima Y., Evans T.E., Ohdachi S., Tsuchiya H., Inagaki S., Itoh K.
Nuclear Fusion, 56(9), 92001 , 2016(7) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/56/9/092001
Change in edge fluctuations synchronized with heat pulse in the JFT-2M tokamak
Nagashima Y., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Fujisawa A., Hoshino K.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(6), 63501 , 2016(6) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.85.063501
Helium transport in the core and stochastic edge layer in LHD
Ida K., Yoshinuma M., Goto M., Schmitz O., Dai S., Bader A., Kobayashi M., Kawamura G., Moon C., Nakamura Y.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58(7), 74010 , 2016(6) DOI=10.1088/0741-3335/58/7/074010
Approaches to hysteresis of transport relations in toroidal plasmas
Itoh S.-I., Inagaki S., Dong J., Itoh K.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 11(1), 2503086 , 2016(6) DOI=
Validation of the digital correlation ECE measurement technique using low-frequency fluctuation in LHD
Tsuchiya H., Inagaki S., Tokuzawa T., Tamura N., Nagayama Y., LHD Experiment Group
Plasma and Fusion Research, 11(1), 2402072 , 2016(6) DOI=
Onset condition of the subcritical geodesic acoustic mode instability in the presence of energetic-particle-driven geodesic acoustic mode
Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Kosuga Y., Lesur M., Ido T.
Plasma Physics Reports, 42(5), , 2016(5) DOI=10.1134/S1063780X16050056
Improvement of the reynolds stress probe for end-plate biasing experiments in a cylindrical laboratory plasma
Kanzaki T., Nagashima Y., Inagaki S., Kin F., Miwa Y., Sasaki M., Yamada T., Fujisawa A., Kobayashi T., Kasuya N., Kosuga Y., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 11, 1201091 , 2016(6) DOI=10.1585/pfr.11.1201091
Nonlinear excitation of subcritical fast ion-driven modes
Lesur M., Itoh K., Ido T., Itoh S.-I., Kosuga Y., Sasaki M., Inagaki S., Osakabe M., Ogawa K., Shimizu A., Ida K.
Nuclear Fusion, 56(5), 56009 , 2016(4) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/56/5/056009
Reconstruction of high temporal resolution Thomson scattering data during a modulated electron cyclotron resonance heating using conditional averaging
Kobayashi T., Ida K., Itoh K., Yoshinuma M., Moon C., Inagaki S., Yamada I., Funaba H., Yasuhara R., Tsuchiya H., Ohdachi S., Yoshimura Y., Igami H., Shimozuma T., Kubo S., Tsujimura T.I.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(4), 43505 , 2016(4) DOI=10.1063/1.4945258
Flux of parallel flow momentum by parallel shear flow driven instability
Kosuga Y., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 11, 1203018 , 2016(3) DOI=
Method- and scheme-independent entropy production in turbulent kinetic simulations
M. Lesur
Computer Physics Communications, 200, 182-189 , 2016(3) DOI=doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2015.12.001
A Concept of Cross-Ferroic Plasma Turbulence
Inagaki S., Kobayashi T., Kosuga Y., Itoh S.-I., Mitsuzono T., Nagashima Y., Arakawa H., Yamada T., Miwa Y., Kasuya N., Sasaki M., Lesur M., Fujisawa A., Itoh K.
Scientific Reports, 6, 22189 , 2016(2) DOI=10.1038/srep22189
A calibration of setting of mach probes by observing GAM oscillations
Itoh K., Zhao K., Dong J., Itoh S.-I., Fujisawa A., Inagaki S., Sasaki M., Nagashima Y., Kosuga Y., Cheng J., Kobayashi T.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 11, 1402002 , 2016(2) DOI=
On the Study of Higher Harmonics of Heat Pulse Propagation in the Modulated-Heating Experiments
Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Inagaki S., Kasuya N., Fujisawa A.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(1), 14501 , 2016(1) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.85.014501
Tomography as a promising diagnostic tool for plasma turbulence
Fujisawa A., Nagashima Y., Inagaki S., Onchi T., Ohshima S., Shimizu A.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58(2), 25005 , 2016(1) DOI=10.1088/0741-3335/58/2/025005
Nonlinear Excitation of Subcritical Instabilities in a Toroidal Plasma
Lesur M., Itoh K., Ido T., Osakabe M., Ogawa K., Shimizu A., Sasaki M., Ida K., Inagaki S., Itoh S.-I.
Physical Review Letters, 116(1), 15003 , 2016(1) DOI=10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.015003

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Tomography for local plasma turbulence measurements
Fujisawa A., Nagashima Y., Inagaki S.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 1201080 , 2015(12) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.1201080
Measurement of radial profiles of density ratio of helium to hydrogen ion using charge exchange spectroscopy with two-wavelength spectrometer
Ida K., Yoshinuma M., Wieland B., Goto M., Nakamura Y., Kobayashi M., Murakami I., Moon C.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(12), 123514 , 2015(12) DOI=10.1063/1.4939032
Development and application of a ray-tracing code integrating with 3D equilibrium mapping in LHD ECH experiments
Ii Tsujimura T., Kubo S., Takahashi H., Makino R., Seki R., Yoshimura Y., Igami H., Shimozuma T., Ida K., Suzuki C., Emoto M., Yokoyama M., Kobayashi T., Moon C., Nagaoka K., Osakabe M., Kobayashi S., Ito S., Mizuno Y., Okada K., Ejiri A., Mutoh T.
Nuclear Fusion, 55(12), 123019 , 2015(11) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/55/12/123019
Self-regulated oscillation of transport and topology of magnetic islands in toroidal plasmas
Ida K., Kobayashi T., Evans T.E., Inagaki S., Austin M.E., Shafer M.W., Ohdachi S., Suzuki Y., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Scientific Reports, 5, 16165 , 2015(11) DOI=10.1038/srep16165
Azimuthal inhomogeneity of turbulence structure and its impact on intermittent particle transport in linear magnetized plasmas
Kobayashi T., Inagaki S., Sasaki M., Kosuga Y., Arakawa H., Yamada T., Nagashima Y., Miwa Y., Kasuya N., Fujisawa A., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Physics of Plasmas, 22(11), 112301 , 2015(11) DOI=10.1063/1.4934537
Localized electron heating by strong guide-field magnetic reconnection
Guo X., Inomoto M., Sugawara T., Yamasaki K., Ushiki T., Ono Y., Group T.S.
Physics of Plasmas, 22(10), 101201 , 2015(10) DOI=10.1063/1.4932339
Laboratory study of diffusion region with electron energization during high guide field reconnection
Yamasaki K., Inoue S., Kamio S., Watanabe T.G., Ushiki T., Guo X., Sugawara T., Matsuyama K., Kawakami N., Yamada T., Inomoto M., Ono Y.
Physics of Plasmas, 22(10), 101202 , 2015(10) DOI=10.1063/1.4932345
An application of hadamard transform for plasma laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
Arakawa H., Inagaki S., Sasaki M., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 1201085 , 2015(10) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.1201085
Contribution of geodesic acoustic modes in the limit cycle oscillation near H-mode transition in JFT-2M plasmas
K. Itoh, T. Kobayashi, T. Ido, S.-I .Itoh, K. Kamiya
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57(9), 92001 , 2015(9) DOI=10.1088/0741-3335/57/9/092001
Overview of transport and MHD stability study: Focusing on the impact of magnetic field topology in the Large Helical Device
Ida K., Nagaoka K., Inagaki S., Kasahara H., Evans T., Yoshinuma M., Kamiya K., Ohdach S., Osakabe M., Kobayashi M., Sudo S., Itoh K., Akiyama T., Emoto M., Dinklage A., Du X., Fujii K., Goto M., Goto T., Hasuo M., Hidalgo C., Ichiguchi K., Ishizawa A., Jakubowski M., Kawamura G., Kato D., Morita S., Mukai K., Murakami I., Murakami S., Narushima Y., Nunami M., Ohno N., Pablant N., Sakakibara S., Seki T., Shimozuma T., Shoji M., Tanaka K., Tokuzawa T., Todo Y., Wang H., Yokoyama M., Yamada H., Takeiri Y., Mutoh T., Imagawa S., Mito T., Nagayama Y., Watanabe K.Y., Ashikawa N., Chikaraishi H., Ejiri A., Furukawa M., Fujita T., Hamaguchi S., Igami H., Isobe M., Masuzaki S., Morisaki T., Motojima G., Nagasaki K., Nakano H., Oya Y., Suzuki C., Suzuki Y., Sakamoto R., Sakamoto M., Sanpei A., Takahashi H., Tsuchiya H., Tokitani M., Ueda Y., Yoshimura Y., Yamamoto S., Nishimura K., Sugama H., Yamamoto T., Idei H., Isayama A., Kitajima S., Masamune S., Shinohara K., Bawankar P.S., Bernard E., Von Berkel M., Funaba H., Huang X.L., Ii T., Ido T., Ikeda K., Kamio S., Kumazawa R., Kobayashi T., Moon C., Muto S., Miyazawa J., Ming T., Nakamura Y., Nishimura S., Ogawa K., Ozaki T., Oishi T., Ohno M., Pandya S., Shimizu A., Seki R., Sano R., Saito K., Sakaue H., Takemura Y., Tsumori K., Tamura N., Tanaka H., Toi K., Wieland B., Yamada I., Yasuhara R., Zhang H., Kaneko O., Komori A.
Nuclear Fusion, 55(10), 104018 , 2015(7) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/55/10/104018
On the spatial structure of solitary radial electric field at the plasma edge in toroidal confinement devices
Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Kamiya K., Kasuya N.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57(7), 75008 , 2015(7) DOI=10.1088/0741-3335/57/7/075008
Non-inductive plasma start-up experiments on the TST-2 spherical tokamak using waves in the lower-hybrid frequency range
Shinya T., Takase Y., Wakatsuki T., Ejiri A., Furui H., Hiratsuka J., Imamura K., Inada T., Kakuda H., Kasahara H., Kumazawa R., Moeller C., Mutoh T., Nagashima Y., Nakamura K., Nakanishi A., Oosako T., Saito K., Seki T., Sonehara M., Togashi H., Tsuda S., Tsujii N., Yamaguchi T.
Nuclear Fusion, 55(7), 73003 , 2015(7) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/55/7/073003
Observation of parallel force balance for drift wave fluctuation by a fast voltage sweeping method in a linear plasma
Nagashima Y., Inagaki S., Fujisawa A., Arakawa H., Yamada T., Miwa Y., Kobayashi T., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84(6), 63501 , 2015(6) DOI=10.7566/JPSJ.84.063501
Edge plasma dynamics during L-H transition in the JFT-2M tokamak
Kobayashi T., Itoh K., Ido T., Kamiya K., Itoh S.-I., Miura Y., Nagashima Y., Fujisawa A., Inagaki S., Ida K., Hoshino K.
Nuclear Fusion, 55(6), 63009 , 2015(6) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/55/6/063009
A quantitative model for heat pulse propagation across large helical device plasmas
Zhu H., Dendy R.O., Chapman S.C., Inagaki S.
Physics of Plasmas, 22(6), 62308 , 2015(6) DOI=10.1063/1.4923307
Ion scale nonlinear interaction triggered by disparate scale electron temperature gradient mode
Moon C., Kobayashi T., Itoh K., Hatakeyama R., Kaneko T.
Physics of Plasmas, 22(5), 52301 , 2015(5) DOI=10.1063/1.4919856
Study of nonlinear behavior of low-frequency MHD mode caused by transition of radial electric field in LHD
Moon C., Ida K., Tokuzawa T., Tanaka K., Yoshinuma M., Kobayashi T., Inagaki S., Itoh K., Lhd Experiment Group
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 3402053 , 2015(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.3402053
Density peaking by parallel flow shear driven instability
Kosuga Y., Itoh S.-I., Itoh K.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 3401024 , 2015(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.3401024
Analysis of ion-temperature-gradient instabilities using a gyro-fluid model in cylindrical plasmas
Hattori G., Kasuya N., Yagi M.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 3401060 , 2015(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.3401060
A Parameter that Denotes Non-Equilibrium Property for Turbulent Plasmas
K. Itoh, S.-I. Itoh
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 3401027 , 2015(5) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.3401027
Turbulence elasticity: A key concept to a unified paradigm of L→I→H transition
Guo Z.B., Diamond P.H., Kosuga Y., Gürcan Ö.D.
Nuclear Fusion, 55(4), 43022 , 2015(4) DOI=10.1088/0029-5515/55/4/043022
Evaluation of non-linear mode coupling during end-plate biasing experiment in PANTA
Kin F., Yamada T., Inagaki S., Arakawa H., Nagashima Y., Kasuya N., Fujisawa A., Nakanishi K., Kono H., Mizokami T., Sasaki M., Lesur M., Kosuga Y., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10, 3401043 , 2015(4) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.3401043
Simulation Study of Hysteresis in the Gradient-Flux Relation in Toroidal Plasma Turbulence
N. Kasuya, S. Sugita, S. Inagaki, K. Itoh, M. Yagi, S.-I. Itoh
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57, 44010 , 2015(3) DOI=0.1088/0741-3335/57/4/044010
Formation mechanism of steep wave front in magnetized plasmas
Sasaki M., Kasuya N., Kobayashi T., Arakawa H., Itoh K., Fukunaga K., Yamada T., Yagi M., Itoh S.-I.
Physics of Plasmas, 22(3), 32315 , 2015(3) DOI=10.1063/1.4916490
Erratum: Flow damping due to stochastization of the magnetic field
Ida K., Yoshinuma M., Tsuchiya H., Kobayashi T., Suzuki C., Yokoyama M., Shimizu A., Nagaoka K., Inagaki S., Itoh K., Isayama A., Shinohara K., Bawankar P.S., Huang X.L., Ohno M., Pandya S., Sano R., Zhang H.
Nature Communications, 6, 6531 , 2015(3) DOI=10.1038/ncomms7531
Finding the Elusive E×B Staircase in Magnetized Plasmas
Dif-Pradalier G., Hornung G., Ghendrih P., Sarazin Y., Clairet F., Vermare L., Diamond P.H., Abiteboul J., Cartier-Michaud T., Ehrlacher C., Estève D., Garbet X., Grandgirard V., Gürcan O.D., Hennequin P., Kosuga Y., Latu G., Maget P., Morel P., Norscini C., Sabot R., Storelli A.
Physical Review Letters, 114(8), 85004 , 2015(2) DOI=10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.085004
Flow damping due to stochastization of the magnetic field
Ida K., Yoshinuma M., Tsuchiya H., Kobayashi T., Suzuki C., Yokoyama M., Shimizu A., Nagaoka K., Inagaki S., Itoh K., Akiyama T., Emoto M., Evans T., Dinklage A., Du X., Fujii K., Goto M., Goto T., Hasuo M., Hidalgo C., Ichiguchi K., Ishizawa A., Jakubowski M., Kamiya K., Kasahara H., Kawamura G., Kato D., Kobayashi M., Morita S., Mukai K., Murakami I., Murakami S., Narushima Y., Nunami M., Ohdach S., Ohno N., Osakabe M., Pablant N., Sakakibara S., Seki T., Shimozuma T., Shoji M., Sudo S., Tanaka K., Tokuzawa T., Todo Y., Wang H., Yamada H., Takeiri Y., Mutoh T., Imagawa S., Mito T., Nagayama Y., Watanabe K.Y., Ashikawa N., Chikaraishi H., Ejiri A., Furukawa M., Fujita T., Hamaguchi S., Igami H., Isobe M., Masuzaki S., Morisaki T., Motojima G., Nagasaki K., Nakano H., Oya Y., Suzuki Y., Sakamoto R., Sakamoto M., Sanpei A., Takahashi H., Tokitani M., Ueda Y., Yoshimura Y., Yamamoto S., Nishimura K., Sugama H., Yamamoto T., Idei H., Isayama A., Kitajima S., Masamune S., Shinohara K., Bawankar P.S., Bernard E., Von Berkel M., Funaba H., Huang X.L., Ii T., Ido T., Ikeda K., Kamio S., Kumazawa R., Moon C., Muto S., Miyazawa J., Ming T., Nakamura Y., Nishimura S., Ogawa K., Ozaki T., Oishi T., Ohno M., Pandya S., Seki R., Sano R., Saito K., Sakaue H., Takemura Y., Tsumori K., Tamura N., Tanaka H., Toi K., Wieland B., Yamada I., Yasuhara R., Zhang H., Kaneko O., Komori A.
Nature Communications, 6, 5816 , 2015(1) DOI=10.1038/ncomms6816
Test of the telegraph equation for transport dynamics in plasma
Inagaki S., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I., Kosuga Y., Lesur M., Kasuya N.
Plasma and Fusion Research, 10(2015), 1203002 , 2015(1) DOI=10.1585/pfr.10.1203002
Topology bifurcation of a magnetic flux surface in toroidal plasmas
Ida K., Kobayashi T., Inagaki S., Suzuki Y., Sakakibara S., Itoh K., Tsuchiya H., Suzuki C., Yoshinuma M., Narushima Y., Yokoyama M., Itoh S.-I., LHD Experiment Group, LHD Experiment Group
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57(1), 14036 , 2015(1) DOI=10.1088/0741-3335/57/1/014036

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